Why is it so easy to gain weight and so hard to lose it? Why can I gain 2 or 3 pounds in one day but work a week to lose a pound? Do I really gain several pounds in one day? Is it just water weight? Have I really eaten enough in one day to actually gain that much weight? Is this an accumulation of several days or weeks of bad decisions and wrong eating? Does it really matter if my jeans still fit loosely? Will anyone even notice? Do I care if anyone notices? What if it keeps happening and my worst fear in this journey happens and I become Fat again? Am I my own worst enemy? Am I subconsciously sabotaging myself? Am I afraid of being Skinny? Am I afraid of being successful in this journey? Why did I ever open myself up to all this scrutiny? Did I really open myself up to scrutiny? Does any rally care when I am struggling? Do they care but are just too busy with their own problems and not have time? Is this all really so important that I should spend so much time and effort on just maintaining my weight?
You Bet You It is Worth It!! Yes there are people who care if I am struggling and yes they are busy, but they take time out of their busy schedules to be with me and to encourage me. Yes this can get expensive but so can doctor visits and medicine. So many questions I need to ask myself and really sit down and answer them. I am worth it and my family and friends deserve to have the Best that I am. I may never know why I can gain several pounds in one day but take weeks to lose those same pounds but this life is a journey and I will do my best to enjoy the journey until I get to my final destination. Now what is my final destination? Just kidding I know where I am going when I die:)
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